Forgive me for sounding political but I had a dream regarding politics or
something I saw on the news a few times.
I had a dream where this was this demon posing as someone
from North Korea, one of their own people, maybe a soldier, maybe a scientist,
I don't know.
The demon walked down the hallway of Kim Jung Un's palace,
walking past one of his body guards along the way.
As it walked down the hallway past the hammer and sickle, it
walked up the stairs.
It looked at Kim Jung Un with a smile. Curiously, the dictator
asked the demon who he was.
Saying nothing it turned into giant monster and began to
pick him and his bodyguards up like action figures and started eating them like
One of the body guards in panic shot the demon in the leg
but it had no effect.
The demon then ate that body guard and turned back into a
normal person, more or less.
As it walked out of North Korea like it owned the place, it
spared only the innocents.
So now I ask you, what do you think that dream meant.
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