A Moty, a more or less human
like creature with long horns and green snakelike eyes and sharp teeth,
carrying a gold harp for women and children, and a sword for his enemies, was
walking through the woods trying to relax for once.
As he drank his wine he
played his harp and sang songs to himself and the animals.
As the animals gathered
around him, then there was a loud scream for help.
A woman cried, or so the Moty
thought. He ran toward the sound until he came to a hollow tree. Instantly a
Sergon jumped out.
A Sergon is a creature with a
centipede like body, the heads and legs of all the people it kills and
typically lives in hollow trees.
The Sergon tried to bite the
Moty's head as it coiled around him, but the Moty took his sword and stabbed
it's soft underbelly and it died.
The Moty walked away in
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