My name is Daniel. I'm the one writing this blog. I am autistic. I would like to say something about my autism. Most call it a blessing. I call it a curse.

I want a cure for autism. The one good thing about autism however, is that it taught me to be nice to others.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Story of Hope

An angel comes down to the ghost of Daniel who has done his best to remain earthbound.

The angel asks gently, 'Why do you hate God so much?'

Daniel yells, 'Where were you or your God when my enemies closed in around me? Where was your God when I was bullied for being autistic? For being different? Called names, chased down, shoved around, threatened, had things thrown at me, punched in the mouth while I sat at my desk minding my own business? Where was your God?!' he demands, near tears. 

'So now I'm afraid," Daniel continued, 'I had enough to fear here on Earth while I was alive.'

'What are you afraid of?' the angel asked.

'Hell,' Daniel replied, 'because I didn't always love God, because I didn't always feel his presence during my worst moments. I couldn't understand why he would let those things happen to me. Why didn't anyone help?! Why didn't someone make it stop? Why didn't God make it stop?'

'God was with you, Daniel,' the angel replied gently, 'he felt your pain and cried when you did. God loves you, Daniel, he always has.'

Still hurt and not willing to believe that a loving God would allow any of his children to suffer for any reason, Daniel turned away from the angel.

Not angry or offended, the angel put his hands on Daniel's temples and showed him the good times in his life as well, which were more numerous than the bad ones. His loving family, his grandparents who doted on him, funny things that he'd done and said during his short years which had brought people joy without him realizing it. Holidays. Games and friends he'd forgotten as his hurt had begun to overwhelm him.

Daniel bowed his head, wishing to go to heaven, but still afraid.

The angel said to him, 'I'll give you three days to decide, Daniel. I'll be back.'

Daniel watched as the angel disappeared as he thought about what the angel had said. He remembered more of the good things in his life as the bad began to fade away. He understood that the people who had bullied him had done so because they hadn't understood. They hadn't asked, he hadn't had the words to explain, and didn't think that explaining would have done any good anyway.

He remembered the sadness, and when he'd felt himself slipping away from God.

Daniel closed his eyes and prayed for forgiveness.

Within five minutes the angel had reappeared and asked Dan again if he was ready to go to heaven.

'Do I deserve to go there?' Daniel asked.

'All who truly repent their sins are forgiven. God loves all of his children. There is a place for you if you wish it.'

Dan walked up to the gates of heaven and saw a marble desk in front of him with St. Peter sitting behind it, behind him were the gates to heaven.

St. Peter asks 'What is your name?'

'My name is Daniel,' the ghost answered.

St Peter looks in the book and says, 'Well, I see you've committed some wrong doings, but I also see that you have repented your sins, so God has instructed me to allow you in.'

The gates open and there was a steam engine locomotive with 1000s of other saved souls aboard.

They got on the train and entered Paradise.

After they got off the train they entered a hallway. Every hallway that was there had doors. Behind each doorway was a custom Paradise which God had set aside for them, and they were finally at peace.

The End

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