My name is Daniel. I'm the one writing this blog. I am autistic. I would like to say something about my autism. Most call it a blessing. I call it a curse.

I want a cure for autism. The one good thing about autism however, is that it taught me to be nice to others.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

What We Have in an Open, Free Republic

America is the greatest nation on earth... for one reason:

We have the constitution which defends all of our rights. 

Unlike some nations around the world you can get shunned, arrested or even killed just for saying something bad about a head of state or leader and I will die for America, to defend it. 

I remember when Obama was in office as well as the current president. I had good and bad things to say about both of them and I never got in to trouble for it. Just the fact I can criticize a political candidate is proof my rights are protected. 

America did not get this way over night. America fought for this for 240+ years. So, if you are an American who has the benefits of living here stop complaining.

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