My name is Daniel. I'm the one writing this blog. I am autistic. I would like to say something about my autism. Most call it a blessing. I call it a curse.

I want a cure for autism. The one good thing about autism however, is that it taught me to be nice to others.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

St Peter

St. Peter

                                                                                                          Original artwork

This story is based on a dream or a vision I had once as a teenager.

I'm not going to go into the details of why I had this dream because my private life is private, but I will tell you this,

I was very depressed, I can tell you I was on the verge of collapse so to speak.

I had gotten home from basically no man's land and I was lying down asleep in my bed one night.

The figure described in the painting, is Saint Peter, who I believe to be in Charge of the Gates of Heaven, deciding who will be allowed through the gates.

He came up to me, not opening the book because I was not really dead, but pointed at me with an angry look on his face., and basically told me, 'Daniel, you are an absolute fool. I'm just going to tell you once, don't do this again because if you succeed at this I can't help you.'

Then I woke up.

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